scdetect-cc for Dummies

This tutorial is intended to guide you, while getting started with scdetect-cc . The most common usage scenarios are described step-by-step, i.e.:


Send an email to maria.mesimeri [at] 🍺

Offline Playback

Offline Playbacks allow you to process historical data without the need to run a seedlink server. Therefore, the processing is going to be mostly file based. This approach is ideal if you quickly want to process a chunk of data, dump the results to a file which may be used for further processing.

The following examples are provided:

Example: Single detector - Single station - Multi-channel detection

This tutorial will guide you to reproduce the configuration and data from the Getting Started section.


In order keep things clean and tidy create your project directory and change into it:

mkdir -p $HOME/tmp/scdetect-cc/ex-01 && cd  $HOME/tmp/scdetect-cc/ex-01

Template Configuration

scdetect-cc relies on a so-called template configuration (JSON formatted). Although, in general, multiple templates may be configured, within this example only a single template is set up.

    "detectorId": "detector-01",
    "createArrivals": true,
    "createTemplateArrivals": true,
    "createAmplitudes": true,
    "createMagnitudes": true,
    "gapInterpolation": true,
    "gapThreshold": 0.1,
    "gapTolerance": 1.5,
    "triggerDuration": 0.5,
    "triggerOnThreshold": 0.7,
    "triggerOffThreshold": 0.0,
    "arrivalOffsetThreshold": 0.2,
    "originId": "smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191105125505.255283.1897990",
    "filter": "BW_BP(2,1.5,15)",
    "templateFilter": "BW_BP(2,1.5,15)",
    "streams": [
        "templateId": "template-01",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.5,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHZ",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-02",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.5,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHN",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHN",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-03",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.5,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHE",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHE",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"

Above a template configuration based on the template event identified by the originId smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191105125505.255283.1897990 covering the streams HHZ, HHN, and HHE of the sensor location CH.SENIN.. . For the vertical instrument component (channel code HHZ) the template waveform is referring to the templatePhase Pg, while for the horizontal instrument components (channel codes HHN and HHE) are referring to the templatePhase Sg.

For a more detailed description of the available configuration options please refer to the Template configuration section.

Copy and paste the content from above into a file and save it as template.json .


Next, scdetect-cc requires inventory data to be provided. Simply download the required inventory data with the command below:

echo ""\
"?net=CH&sta=SENIN&channel=HH?&level=response" | \
wget -i - -O stations.xml

Now, convert the station.xml file into SCML format:

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec fdsnxml2inv -f stations.xml > stations.scml

Template EventParameters

Apart from the inventory data scdetect-cc requires EventParameter configuration (SCML formatted) describing the template events.

Depending on the use case this configuration file must include:

  • Picks -P

  • StationMagnitudes -M

  • Amplitudes -A

For downloading the data from the database we use scxmldump:

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scxmldump \
  -d localhost \
  -O smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191105125505.255283.1897990 \
  -f \
  -M \
  -P \
  -A \
  -o template.scml


-d localhost refers to your database. It can be something like postgresql://user:password@host/seiscompDbName

Here, template EventParameter configuration is downloaded for a single template configuration (i.e. identified by the detectorId detector-01). The corresponding template originId is smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191105125505.255283.1897990.


At the time being you cannot download station magnitudes from SeisComP’s fdsnws-event service implementation. For the purpose of this tutorial you can get the template EventParameter configuration from here. Of course, you can also modify this tutorial to match your needs.

Waveform data

  • Template waveform data

    To make things run faster we will create template waveforms. Once you have the station inventory (stations.scml), the template EventParameter configuration (template.scml), and the template configuration (template.json) ready, invoke the following command:

    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scdetect-cc \
      --offline \
      --amplitudes-force=0 \
      --debug \
      --templates-json template.json \
      --inventory-db stations.scml \
      --event-db template.scml \
      --record-url "fdsnws://" \

    The command above will download the required data for template waveform creation from, and store it in a local cache.

  • Raw continuous waveform data

    Next, download the waveform data to be processed. Here, we will download the data from a FDSN service by means of wget, and sort it on-the-fly:

    echo ""\
    "?net=CH&sta=SENIN&channel=HH?&start=2019-11-05T04:00&end=2019-11-05T05:00" | \
    wget -i - -O - | \
    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scmssort -u -E -v - > data.mseed


    When processing data from multiple streams in playback mode it is important to sort data by end time.

Configure Bindings

Bindings configuration allows you to provide dedicated configuration on station granularity. In the context of scdetect-cc bindings configuration is required in order to successfully compute both amplitudes and estimate magnitudes.

Please refer to the official SeisComP documentation for further information on bindings configuration.

SeisComP Experts

If you have already configured the bindings then you simply need to export those with e.g.

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec bindings2cfg \
  --key-dir $SEISCOMP_ROOT/etc/key \
  -o bindings.scml
SeisComP Newbies

If you’re new to SeisComP you can follow this guide in order to create your SCML formatted bindings configuration file:

  1. First of all, import the previously downloaded station.xml inventory file to SeisComP:

    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec import_inv fdsnxml stations.xml
  2. Next, synchronize the inventory with the following command:

    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scinv sync


    This operation may change possibly preexisting inventory data on your database.

  3. Now, let’s create and assign the bindings configuration. For simplicity, open scconfig

    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scconfig &

    Then navigate to the bindings panel [1] . In the module tree select scdetect-cc [2] in the upper area, right-click and select Add scdetect-cc profile.

    Bindings panel

    A popup will appear which asks you to name the binding profile to be created. Name the binding profile default or whatever you like and set the configuration parameters. An example for computing MRelative magnitudes is

    Bindings configuration

    Then, drag and drop the profile to the CH network. With that, the binding profile is going to be assigned to all stations which are part of the CH network.

  4. Next, save the configuration bindings to the database. Navigate to scconfig β€˜s system panel and press the Update configuration button in the toolbar on the top.

  5. Finally, export the bindings configuration from the database to the bindings.scml file:

    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec bindings2cfg \
       --key-dir $SEISCOMP_ROOT/etc/key \
       -o bindings.scml
Lazy Users

Get the bindings configuration from here.


Now, let’s detect earthquakes:

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scdetect-cc \
  --offline \
  --playback \
  --debug \
  --templates-json template.json \
  --inventory-db stations.scml \
  --event-db template.scml \
  --config-db bindings.scml \
  --record-url data.mseed \

The detection results will be output in the SCML formatted results.scml file.



origin time











Above the detections for the detector identified by the detectorId detector-01. The detection with the origin time 2019-11-05T04:23:47.640489Z is the template and is detected with a score of 1.000000.


Run scevent with the following command in order to associate the origins from the results.scml file to events.

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scevent \
  --debug \
  --disable-db \
  --ep results.scml > event.catalog.scml

This will create a catalog which is stored in the event.catalog.scml file.

Screen results

To screen visualize the results launch scolv with

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scolv \
  --offline \
  --db-disable \
  --debug \
  --inventory-db stations.scml \
  --record-url "fdsnws://" &

Once scolv is up and running import the event.catalog.scml file which was previously generated with scevent.

Sort detections by CrossCorrelationCoefficient (CCC)

SeisComP allows the user to add a custom column, for example in scolv, to show origin or event comments. In the case of scdetect-cc in the comments the user can find the scdetectDetectorID, the earthquake template that detect the new earthquake, and the scdetectResultCCC, the cross correlation coefficient between the template and the new detection.

To add one custom column please go here and then edit either the scolv.cfg file or the scconfig GUI.

For more columns, and thus more comments, please choose the External Scripts and the Custom Information.

One example is here, and continues here.

Example: Single detector - Multi-station - Multi-channel detection

While in the previous example the template configuration used only streams from a single station, this tutorial will guide you to detect earthquakes using two stations (each with three channels).


Create an empty directory with

mkdir -p $HOME/tmp/scdetect-cc/ex-02 && cd  $HOME/tmp/scdetect-cc/ex-02

Template Configuration

    "detectorId": "detector-01",
    "createArrivals": true,
    "createTemplateArrivals": true,
    "createAmplitudes": true,
    "createMagnitudes": true,
    "gapInterpolation": true,
    "gapThreshold": 0.1,
    "gapTolerance": 1.5,
    "triggerDuration": 0.5,
    "triggerOnThreshold": 0.4,
    "triggerOffThreshold": 0.0,
    "arrivalOffsetThreshold": 1.0,
    "minimumArrivals": 3,
    "originId": "smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191105125505.255283.1897990",
    "filter": "BW_BP(2,1.5,15)",
    "templateFilter": "BW_BP(2,1.5,15)",
    "streams": [
        "templateId": "template-01",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.5,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHZ",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-02",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.5,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHN",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHN",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-03",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.5,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHE",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHE",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-04",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.5,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGZ",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-05",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.5,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGE",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGE",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-06",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.5,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGN",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGN",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"

Above a template configuration based on the template event identified by the originId smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191105125505.255283.1897990 covering 6 streams overall. While the streams HHZ, HHN, and HHE refer to the sensor location CH.SENIN.., the sensor location CH.SAYF2.. is covered by the streams HGZ, HGN, and HGE. Again, the template waveforms of the vertical instrument components refer to the templatePhase Pg, while the template waveforms of the horizontal instrument components refer to the templatePhase Sg.


In contrast to the previous example <ex-01-label>, here, we introduce the minimumArrivals configuration option, which defines the minimum number of phases required to declare a new detection. The default value is the total number of phase templates, i.e. 6 in this case.

For a more detailed description of the available configuration options please refer to the Template configuration section.

Copy and paste the content from above into a file and save it as template.json .


Simply download the required inventory data with the command below:

echo ""\
"?net=CH&sta=SENIN,SAYF2&channel=HH?,HG?&level=response" | \
wget -i - -O stations.xml

Then, convert the station.xml file into the SCML format:

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec fdsnxml2inv -f stations.xml > stations.scml

Template EventParameters

Download the template EventParameter data for the template originId smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191105125505.255283.1897990 from the database with scxmldump:

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scxmldump \
  -d localhost \
  -O smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191105125505.255283.1897990 \
  -f \
  -M \
  -P \
  -A \
  -o template.scml

For the purpose of this tutorial you can download the template EventParameter data from here, since you don’t have access to the database.

Waveform data

  • Template waveform data

    To make things run faster we will create template waveforms. Once you have the inventory (stations.scml) , the template EventParameter configuration (template.scml), and the template configuration (template.json) ready, invoke the following command:

    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scdetect-cc \
        --offline \
        --templates-prepare \
        --amplitudes-force=0  \
        --debug \
        --templates-json template.json \
        --inventory-db stations.scml \
        --event-db template.scml \
        --record-url "fdsnws://"

    This will download the required data from and store it in a local cache.

  • Raw continuous waveform data

    The waveform data to be precessed may be downloaded and sorted on-the-fly with e.g.:

    echo ""\
    "&start=2019-11-05T04:00:00&end=2019-11-05T05:00:00" | \
    wget -i - -O - | \
    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scmssort -u -E -v - > data.mseed

Configure Bindings

In order to successfully compute both amplitudes and estimate magnitudes scdetect-cc requires bindings configuration.

Please refer to the previous tutorial for a detailed description on how to create the bindings configuration file. Alternatively, download the bindings configuration file from here.


Now, let’s detect earthquakes:

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scdetect-cc \
    --offline \
    --playback \
    --debug \
    --templates-json template.json \
    --inventory-db stations.scml \
    --event-db template.scml \
    --config-db bindings.scml \
    --record-url data.mseed \


Below, the detections for the detector identified by detectorId detector-01. Overall, 17 detections were detected. In general, the score is a good measure for the quality of the detection. Note also that in this example the detector’s minimumArrivals configuration parameter was set to 3. As a consequence, there are detections which aren’t associated with the complete set of streams configured. For further information on detector specific configuration parameters, please refer to the Detector configuration parameters section.


origin time






































scdetect-cc generates origins, picks, arrivals, amplitudes, and both station magnitudes and network magnitudes. When using multiple detectors, the resulting results.scml file will, in theory at least, contain earthquakes detected from different templates (i.e. detectors). An easy way to merge these detections into events is to use scevent. Before, make sure you’ve set the desired eventAssociation related module configuration parameters, e.g.

scevent module configuration

Then, run scevent:

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scevent \
  --debug \
  --disable-db \
  --ep results.scml > event.catalog.scml

Screen results

The last step is to visualize the results. First we need to launch scolv:

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scolv \
  --offline \
  --debug \
  --db-disable \
  --inventory-db stations.scml \
  --record-url "fdsnws://"  &

Here, we run scolv without using a database. Besides, waveform data is fetched from FDSN web services.

Once scolv is up and running import the event.catalog.scml file which was previously generated with scevent.

Sort detections by CrossCorrelationCoefficient (CCC)

SeisComP allows the user to add a custom column, for example in scolv, to show origin or event comments. In the case of scdetect-cc in the comments the user can find the scdetectDetectorID, the earthquake template that detect the new earthquake, and the scdetectResultCCC, the cross correlation coefficient between the template and the new detection.

To add one custom column please go here and then edit either the scolv.cfg file or the scconfig GUI.

For more columns, and thus more comments, please choose the External Scripts and the Custom Information.

One example is here, and continues here.

Example: Multi-detector - Multi-station - Multi-channel detection

This tutorial will guide you to detect earthquakes using three stations (i.e. each with three channels), and multiple earthquake templates (i.e. detector-01 , detector-02, etc).


Create an empty directory with

mkdir -p $HOME/tmp/scdetect-cc/ex-03 && cd  $HOME/tmp/scdetect-cc/ex-03

Template Configuration

Copy and paste the following template configuration into a file and save it as template.json.

    "detectorId": "detector-01",
    "createArrivals": true,
    "createTemplateArrivals": true,
    "createAmplitudes": true,
    "createMagnitudes": true,
    "gapInterpolation": true,
    "gapThreshold": 0.1,
    "gapTolerance": 1.5,
    "minimumArrivals": 5,
    "triggerDuration": 0.5,
    "triggerOnThreshold": 0.5,
    "triggerOffThreshold": 0.0,
    "arrivalOffsetThreshold": 0.5,
    "originId": "smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191105141052.482388.186933",
    "filter": "BW_BP(2,1.5,15)",
    "templateFilter": "BW_BP(2,1.5,15)",
    "streams": [
        "templateId": "template-01",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGZ",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-02",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGE",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGE",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-03",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGN",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGN",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-04",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGZ",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-05",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGE",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGE",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-06",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGN",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGN",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-07",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHZ",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-08",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHE",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHE",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-09",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHN",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHN",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
    "detectorId": "detector-02",
    "createArrivals": true,
    "createTemplateArrivals": true,
    "createAmplitudes": true,
    "createMagnitudes": true,
    "gapInterpolation": true,
    "gapThreshold": 0.1,
    "gapTolerance": 1.5,
    "minimumArrivals": 8,
    "triggerDuration": 0.5,
    "triggerOnThreshold": 0.5,
    "triggerOffThreshold": 0.0,
    "arrivalOffsetThreshold": 0.3,
    "originId": "smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191106214318.866617.258170",
    "filter": "BW_BP(2,1.5,15)",
    "templateFilter": "BW_BP(2,1.5,15)",
    "streams": [
        "templateId": "template-01",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGZ",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-02",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGE",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGE",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-03",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGN",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGN",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-04",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGZ",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-05",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGE",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGE",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-06",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGN",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGN",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-07",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHZ",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-08",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHE",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHE",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-09",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHN",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHN",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
    "detectorId": "detector-03",
    "createArrivals": true,
    "createTemplateArrivals": true,
    "createAmplitudes": true,
    "createMagnitudes": true,
    "gapInterpolation": true,
    "gapThreshold": 0.1,
    "gapTolerance": 1.5,
    "minimumArrivals": 8,
    "triggerDuration": 0.5,
    "triggerOnThreshold": 0.5,
    "triggerOffThreshold": 0.0,
    "arrivalOffsetThreshold": 0.3,
    "originId": "smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191106214119.274905.257656",
    "filter": "BW_BP(2,1.5,15)",
    "templateFilter": "BW_BP(2,1.5,15)",
    "streams": [
        "templateId": "template-01",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGZ",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-02",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGE",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGE",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-03",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGN",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SAYF2..HGN",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-04",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGZ",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-05",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGE",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGE",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-06",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGN",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.STSW2..HGN",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-07",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHZ",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-08",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHE",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHE",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"
        "templateId": "template-09",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -0.25,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHN",
        "templateWaveformId": "CH.SENIN..HHN",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"

Above a template configuration for the multiple template events. The template event identified by detectorId detector-01 is based on the originId smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191105141052.482388.186933, the template event identified by detectorId detector-02 is based on the originId smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191106214318.866617.258170, and the template identified by detectorId detector-03 is based on the originId smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191106214119.274905.257656. All template event configurations use waveform data from the sensor locations CH.SAYF2.., CH.SENIN.., and CH.STSW2...


Download the inventory data with the following command:

echo ""\
"?net=CH&sta=SENIN,SAYF2,STSW2&channel=H??&level=response" | \
wget -i - -O stations.xml

Now, convert the station.xml file into SCML format:

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec fdsnxml2inv -f stations.xml > stations.scml

Template EventParameters

Download the template EventParameter data for the template originId s smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191105141052.482388.186933 , smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191106214318.866617.258170, and smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191106214119.274905.257656 from the database with scxmldump:

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scxmldump \
  -d localhost \
  -O smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191105141052.482388.186933,smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191106214318.866617.258170,smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20191106214119.274905.257656 \
  -f \
  -M \
  -P \
  -A \
  -o template.scml

For the purpose of this tutorial you can download the template EventParameter data from here, since you don’t have access to the database.

Waveform data

  • Template waveform data

    Download and prepare the template waveform data with the following command:

    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scdetect-cc \
      --offline \
      --templates-prepare \
      --amplitudes-force=0 \
      --debug \
      --templates-json template.json \
      --inventory-db stations.scml \
      --event-db template.scml \
      --record-url "fdsnws://"

    Note that scdetect-cc will store the downloaded waveform data within a local cache.

  • Raw continuous waveform data

    The waveform data to be precessed may be downloaded and sorted on-the-fly with e.g.:

    echo ""\
    "&start=2019-11-05T04:00:00&end=2019-11-05T05:00:00" | \
    wget -i - -O - | \
    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scmssort -u -E -v - > data.mseed

Configure Bindings

In order to successfully compute both amplitudes and estimate magnitudes scdetect-cc requires bindings configuration.

Please refer to the first tutorial for a detailed description on how to create the bindings configuration file. Alternatively, download the bindings configuration file from here.


Now, let’s detect earthquakes:

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scdetect-cc \
  --offline \
  --playback \
  --debug \
  --templates-json template.json \
  --inventory-db stations.scml \
  --event-db template.scml \
 --config-db bindings.scml \
 --record-url data.mseed \

scdetect-cc will dump the results to the results.scml file.


Below, a summary of the detections after executing scdetect-cc. Overall, 9 detections were detected. The detector identified by detectorId detector-03 did not contribute any detections.


origin time
























Run scevent with the following command in order to associate the origins from the results.scml file to events.

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scevent \
  --debug \
  --disable-db \
  --ep results.scml > event.catalog.scml

This will create a catalog which is stored in the event.catalog.scml file.

Screen results

To screen visualize the results launch scolv with

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scolv \
  --offline \
  --db-disable \
  --debug \
  --inventory-db stations.scml \
  --record-url "fdsnws://" &

Once scolv is up and running import the event.catalog.scml file which was previously generated with scevent.

Sort detections by CrossCorrelationCoefficient (CCC)

SeisComP allows the user to add a custom column, for example in scolv, to show origin or event comments. In the case of scdetect-cc in the comments the user can find the scdetectDetectorID, the earthquake template that detect the new earthquake, and the scdetectResultCCC, the cross correlation coefficient between the template and the new detection.

To add one custom column please go here and then edit either the scolv.cfg file or the scconfig GUI.

For more columns, and thus more comments, please choose the External Scripts and the Custom Information.

One example is here, and continues here.

Real-Time Playback

This example requires a bit more of experience with SeisComP. If you’re not familiar with the SeisComP, or scdetect-cc, yet, we recommend you to start with the Offline Playback tutorials, before.

This section will describe how to use scdetect-cc in order to process data in a real-time playback fashion.

For further information on playback archived waveform data in general, please refer to the SeisComP playback tutorial.


We assume that the inventory and bindings configuration for the network of interest are configured. For example, if we want to work with the Swiss Seismological Network (i.e. network code CH) you need to

  • download the inventory data with, e.g.

    wget "*&channel=H??&level=response" -O stations.xml
  • import the inventory into the SeisComP database

    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec import_inv fdsnxml stations.xml && \
    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scinv sync

Bindings configuration

  • Global bindings are required for each sensor in order to display the waveform data with scrttv.

  • Also, create seedlink bindings configuration and configure the mseedfifo - mseedfifo_plugin source.

  • Finally, create bindings configuration for scdetect-cc in order to be able to successfully compute both amplitudes and estimate magnitudes.

Template EventParameters

Make sure that the template EventParameter data is available in your SeisComP database. Template EventParameter data may be imported to the SeisComP database with e.g. scdispatch.

Waveform data

Download both the waveform data the template waveforms are generated from and the data to be processed.


It is imported that the data to be processed is sorted by end time.

SeisComP configuration

  • Enable the seedlink module configuration option msrtsimul.

  • Set the scdetect-cc templatesJSON module configuration parameter if you don’t want to specify the parameter on the commandline.

  • Configure scevent according to your needs.


  • Restart SeisComP with

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp restart
  • Open a few GUIs to monitor scmaster and events

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scrttv & \
$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scmm & \
$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scesv & \
$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scolv &
  • Finally, start the playback:

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec msrtsimul \
  -m historic \
  -v data.mseed & \
$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scdetect-cc \
  --playback \
  --start-stop-msg=1 \

In practice, to process data with scdetect-cc in real-time playback fashion you need:

  • a miniseed file sorted by end time

  • a template.json configuration file which contains the information about the detectors and the templates, and

  • a fully configured SeisComP system.

Optionally, in case you’d like to fetch the earthquake template EventParameter data from the database they must be imported, beforehand.

Real-Time Application

We assume that you’re familiar with SeisComP and its underlying concepts.

This section will describe step-by-step the prerequisites to be fulfilled in order to process waveform data with scdetect-cc in real-time fashion.


We assume that the inventory data of interest is available.

Bindings Configuration

Bindings configuration for the stations of interest is required:

  • Global bindings are required for each sensor in order to display the waveform data with scrttv.

  • Also, create seedlink bindings configuration with the correct source plugin enabled.

  • Finally, create bindings configuration for scdetect-cc in order to be able to successfully compute both amplitudes and estimate magnitudes.

Template EventParameter

Template EventParameter data needs to be available for scdetect-cc.

SeisComP configuration

Make sure the module configuration for the used modules is configured correctly. Particularly, check the scdetect-cc module configuration parameters.

Real-time monitoring and detection

Open a few GUIs to monitor scmaster and events

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scrttv & \
$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scmm & \
$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scesv & \
$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scolv &

and invoke

$SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp exec scdetect-cc \
  --start-stop-msg=1 \

to run scdetect-cc. Alternatively, start scdetect-cc in daemon mode.

Update Templates in Real Time

Here we briefly describe how to manage templates traffic in real time.

    1. Download earthquakes around the Mainshock / Earthquake of interest

    We assume that an earthquake occurred in the are and we are interested in finding past [or new] earthquakes to use as detectors. Then using FDSN services and obspy we get the event catalog that contains arrival times:

    cat = client.get_events(latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude,
                            minradius=0.001, maxradius=0.2,
                            eventtype='earthquake', limit='30',
                            contributor="SED", minmagnitude=1.0,
    1. Create JSON file with detectors and templates

    A python script is included in scdetect-cc. This script allows the user to convert the event file into JSON.

    Redirect the output to the path define in scconfig .

    1. Cache templates waveforms

    Folow the instructions from here to cache the template waveforms.

    1. Run scdetect-cc

    The last step is to restart scdetect-cc

    $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/seiscomp restart scdetect-cc

All the above steps can be combined into a single script (e.g. bash), and setup a cronjob that will update the templates.json file every few minutes or hours.

date commnad in bash can be useful to set up a time period.

scevent takes care of event association.