Bindings configuration details

This section contains a detailed description how to set up the configuration required for amplitude calculation.

For those users already familiar with SeisComP’s bindings configuration an important note:

NOTE: At the time being, SeisComP’s bindings configuration allows configuration to be provided for stations, only. In order to allow users to supply configuration on sensor location granularity, scdetect-cc makes use of so called sensor location profiles.

In general, bindings are configured the easiest with SeisComP’s configuration and system management frontend scconfig . Alternatively, key files may be created manually.

Creating key files (scconfig):

  1. Create an sensor location profile for a sensor location. As a bare minimum specify at least the locationCode (which may be empty) and channelCode attributes.

    Tip: Although not strictly required, it is recommended to use sensible profile names. E.g. for a sensor location profile with locationCode 00 and channelCode HH naming the profile with e.g. 00_HH is recommended.

    In both the locationCode and the channelCode the wildcard characters ? (which matches any single character) and * (which matches zero to many characters) are allowed.

    Tip: Make use of wildcard characters in order to create a default sensor location profile.

  2. Add the profile’s name to the list of known sensorLocationProfiles. Only those profiles are taken into account with a corresponding list entry.

  3. (Optional): in case of creating a binding profile assign the bindings configuration to the corresponding stations.

  4. Save the configuration. With that, the bindings configuration is written to so called key files.

Dump bindings configurations:

scdetect-cc (and SeisComP trunk modules in general) do not work with key files directly. Therefore, key files need to be dumped either to a database or into a SCML formatted configuration file (depending on whether a file-based approach is desired or not). This is done the easiest with SeisComP’s bindings2cfg utility. E.g.

$ bindings2cfg --key-dir path/to/key -o config.scml

will dump the configuration into a SCML formatted config.scml file, while

$ bindings2cfg --key-dir path/to/key \
  --plugins dbpostgresql -d postgresql://user:password@localhost/seiscomp

will dump the configuration to a database named seiscomp (PostgreSQL backend) on localhost. For further information, please refer to the bindings2cfg documentation.