Template configuration

In order to run scdetect-cc a template configuration must be provided. That is, either by means of the templatesJSON configuration option in one of scdetect-cc‘ s module configuration files or by means of using scdetect-cc‘s --templates-json path/to/templates.json CLI flag.

The template configuration itself is a JSON configuration file and contains an array of detector configuration JSON objects (each detector refers to a template origin identified by its "originId"). An exemplary multi-stream detector configuration (for the streams CH.GRIMS..HHZ and CH.HASLI..HHZ) may look like:

    "detectorId": "detector-01",
    "createArrivals": true,
    "createTemplateArrivals": true,
    "gapInterpolation": true,
    "gapThreshold": 0.1,
    "gapTolerance": 1.5,
    "triggerDuration": -1,
    "triggerOnThreshold": 0.98,
    "triggerOffThreshold": 0,
    "originId": "smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20201026144442.91156.194937",
    "filter": "",
    "streams": [
        "templateId": "template-01",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -2,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.GRIMS..HHZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"
        "templateId": "template-02",
        "initTime": 10,
        "templateWaveformStart": -3,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.HASLI..HHZ",
        "templatePhase": "Pg"

That is, a detector configuration defines besides the detector specific configuration parameters a list of stream configurations and optionally some stream configuration defaults. Again, the list of detector configurations is wrapped into a JSON array.

Note that if a configuration parameter is not explicitly defined a module specific global default is used instead. Global defaults may be configured following SeisComP’s standard module configuration approach. That is, by means of either global or module specific configuration files (global.cfg, scdetect-cc.cfg located at corresponding configuration directory paths).

In order to validate the template configuration, with templates.schema.json a rudimentary JSON schema is provided.

Detector configuration parameters

A detector configuration allows to set the following detector specific configuration parameters:


  • "detectorId": A string defining the detector identifier. If not defined a random unique identifier will be generated, automatically. Declared origins will contain a comment with a reference to the detector identifier. Besides, the detector identifier is used in the context of the template family amplitude-magnitude regression based magnitude estimation.

    Note also that since scdetect-cc implements hierarchical logging explicitly defining the detector identifier may be of particular use while debugging.

  • "maximumLatency": The maximum data latency in seconds tolerated with regard to NOW. If data arrive later than the value specified it is not used, anymore. Note that data latency is not validated if scdetect-cc is run in playback mode.

  • "methodId": The origin method identifier which will be added to declared origins.

  • "originId": Required. The origin identifier of the template origin the detector is referring to. The origin identifier is used for extracting template related data such as template waveforms, etc. Usually, the origin identifier corresponds to a seismic metadata resource identifier (smi). The relationship between a detector configuration and an origin is one-to-one.

  • "streams": Required. An array of stream configuration JSON objects, also called a stream set. The stream set describes the streams to be covered by a detector. In a single-stream detector configuration the stream set contains just a single stream configuration, while a multi-stream detector configuration requires multiple stream configurations.

Gap interpolation:

  • "gapInterpolation": A boolean value which enables/disables gap interpolation which allows interpolating gaps linearly.

  • "gapThreshold": Threshold in seconds to recognize a gap.

  • "gapTolerance": Maximum gap length in seconds to tolerate and to be handled.

Amplitude calculation:

In order to perform a magnitude estimation later on, the corresponding amplitudes must be computed beforehand. On detector configuration level the following amplitude related configuration parameters may be provided:

  • "createAmplitudes": Boolean value which enables/disables amplitude calculation for this detector configuration. Note also that amplitudes are calculated only for those sensor locations where bindings configuration is supplied.


Magnitudes are computed only for those detectors with amplitude calculation enabled.

Magnitude estimation:

Magnitude related configuration options which may be defined within a detector configuration include:

  • "createMagnitudes": Boolean value which enables/disables magnitude estimation for this detector configuration. Magnitudes are only computed for those sensor locations where both bindings configuration is available and amplitude calculation is enabled ( i.e. "createAmplitudes": true).

Detections and arrivals:

  • "arrivalOffsetThreshold": Maximum arrival offset in seconds (i.e. with regard to the template arrival) to tolerate when associating an arrival with an association matrix. Note that the threshold is only relevant for a multi-stream detector setup. For further information please refer to the theoretical background on phase association.

  • "minimumArrivals": Defines the minimum number of arrivals w.r.t. streams within the stream set configured which must be part of an association matrix in order to qualify for a detection. For further information please refer to the theoretical background on phase association.

  • "mergingStrategy": Defines the merging strategy applied before linking cross-correlation results. Possible configuration options are:

    • "greaterEqualTriggerOnThreshold": cross-correlation results with regard to the configured streams must be greater or equal to the configured "triggerOnThreshold" in order to be taken into account for linking. Results lower than the "triggerOnThreshold" are dropped.

    • "greaterEqualMergingThreshold": cross-correlation results with regard to the configured streams must be greater or equal to the stream specific configured "mergingThreshold" in order to be taken into account for linking. Results lower than the "mergingThreshold" are dropped.

    • "all": all cross-correlation results with regard to the configured streams are taken into account while linking. Trying to merge all incoming cross-correlation results is computationally quite expensive.


The configured merging strategy may have a significant performance impact in a multi-stream detector setup.

  • "createArrivals": A boolean value which defines if detections should include detected arrivals, i.e. arrivals with regard to the streams included within the stream set. If enabled, origins will be created with detected arrivals being associated, else origins are created not containing any reference to detected arrivals. In a multi-stream detector configuration setup detections will include only arrivals of those streams which contributed. For further details, please refer to "createTemplateArrivals" and "minimumArrivals" configuration parameters.

  • "createTemplateArrivals": A boolean value which defines if detections should include so called template arrivals. Template arrivals refer to streams which are not part of the detector configuration’s stream set, but contain valid picks as part of the template origin.

  • "timeCorrection": Defines the time correction in seconds for both detections and arrivals. That is, this allows shifting a detection in time.

Trigger facilities:

A detection candidate is considered as a detection if it surpasses the value specified by the "triggerOnThreshold" configuration parameter.

In a multi-stream detector setup, scdetect-cc uses the mean correlation coefficient of all streams within the stream set. In future, further methods may be provided in order to compute this score.

Besides, scdetect-cc implements trigger facilities, i.e. a detection may not be published, immediately, but put on-hold for the duration defined by the value of the "triggerDuration" configuration parameter. If a better detection arrives within this period, the previous one is not used, anymore.

  • "triggerDuration": Defines the trigger duration in seconds. A negative value disables triggering facilities.

  • "triggerOnThreshold": Defines the threshold ([-1, 1]) to trigger the detector.

  • "triggerOffThreshold": Defines the lower threshold ([-1, 1]) to emit a detection once the detector is triggered. Note that the configured value is only taken into account if trigger facilities are enabled.


With trigger facilities enabled a detection is processed only once there is the next detection already available. Since processing a detection may involve calculating amplitudes the processing.waveformBufferSize must cover the corresponding duration in order to successfully compute amplitudes (fetching historical data is currently not implemented, yet).

Stream configuration parameters

A stream set must contain at least a single stream configuration. For a multi-stream detector setup multiple stream configurations may be provided. A stream configuration JSON object allows setting the following template specific configuration parameters:


  • "templateId": A string defining the stream related template identifier. The identifier must be unique in the context of a detector configuration. If undefined a unique identifier will be generated, automatically. Since scdetect-cc implements hierarchical logging specifying the template identifier may be of particular use while debugging.

  • "waveformId": Required. A string defining the waveform stream identifier of the stream to be processed. Usually, this refers to a FDSN Source Identifier. Note that the string is parsed and matched against NET, STA, LOC, CHA codes.

    By default, the template waveform is created based on the same waveform stream identifier. See also "templateWaveformId".

  • "mergingThreshold": Optionally defines a stream configuration specific threshold ([-1, 1]) which is used exclusively if "mergingStrategy" is set to "greaterEqualMergingThreshold". If "mergingThreshold" is not configured it is set to the value provided by "triggerOnThreshold".

Template waveform:

  • "templateWaveformId": A string defining an alternative waveform stream identifier referring to the stream used for the template waveform creation. If not defined, the template waveform is used as defined by the "waveformId" configuration parameter. While for the phase code lookup the sensor location is used (i.e. the CHA component of the waveform stream identifier is neglected) for template waveform creation all waveform stream identifier components are taken into account.


When specifying a "templateWaveformId" different from "waveformId", scdetect-cc will not correct potentially differing sensor responses.

  • "templatePhase": Required. A string defining the template phase code used for the template waveform creation. It is the phase code which defines the reference time for the actual template waveform creation.

    Note that for the template phase lookup, only the sensor location related part is used of waveform stream identifier configured.

  • "templateWaveformStart": The template waveform start in seconds with regard to the template reference time. A negative value refers to a template waveform start before the template reference time, while a positive value means after the reference time.

  • "templateWaveformEnd": The template waveform end in seconds with regard to the template reference time. A negative value refers to a template waveform start before the template reference time, while a positive value means after the reference time.

Filtering and resampling:

  • "initTime": The initialization time in seconds for that the stream related processor is blind after initialization. Setting this configuration parameter allows taking filter related artifacts during initialization into account.

  • "filter": A string defining the filter to be applied to the processed stream. The filter must be specified following the SeisComP’s filter grammar syntax. Filtering may be disabled by means of explicitly defining the empty string i.e. "". If no module default is configured, by default the filter associated with the template pick is applied.

  • "templateFilter": A string defining the filter during the template waveform generation. If "templateFilter" is undefined, but "filter" is defined "templateFilter" is automatically configured to the value set by "filter".

    For further information, please refer to the description of the "filter" configuration parameter.

  • "targetSamplingFrequency": Optionally, defines the target sampling frequency. Both the template waveform and the stream to be processed may be required to be resampled to the sampling frequency specified. Note that data is resampled before being filtered.

Stream configuration defaults

The following stream configuration default parameters may be defined within the scope of a detector configuration:

  • "filter"

  • "initTime"

  • "mergingThreshold"

  • "targetSamplingFrequency"

  • "templateFilter"

  • "templatePhase"

  • "templateWaveformStart"

  • "templateWaveformEnd"

That is, if not explicitly overridden by stream configurations the corresponding fallback values will be used.


    "detectorId": "detector-01",
    "createArrivals": true,
    "createTemplateArrivals": true,
    "gapInterpolation": true,
    "gapThreshold": 0.1,
    "gapTolerance": 1.5,
    "triggerDuration": -1,
    "triggerOnThreshold": 0.98,
    "triggerOffThreshold": 0,
    "originId": "smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20201026144442.91156.194937",
    "templatePhase": "Pg",
    "filter": "",
    "initTime": 0,
    "streams": [
        "templateId": "template-01",
        "templateWaveformStart": -2,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 2,
        "waveformId": "CH.GRIMS..HHZ"
        "templateId": "template-02",
        "templateWaveformStart": -3,
        "templateWaveformEnd": 1,
        "waveformId": "CH.HASLI..HHZ",
        "templatePhase": "Sg"

In the example above, the stream configuration default "templatePhase" is used indicating a default phase code "Pg". While this stream configuration default value is used by the stream configuration object identified by the template identifier "template-01", it is overridden by the stream configuration identified by "template-02" (i.e. it uses "Sg" instead).

Besides, filtering is explicitly disabled for all stream configurations within the stream set.