Data and Resources

Inventory, events and configuration

SeisComP stores and reads certain data (e.g. inventory , event parameters, etc.) in and from a database. In order to connect to the database a database connection URL is required. This URL is either configured in global.cfg or in scmaster.cfg (i.e. the configuration file of SeisComP’s messaging mediator module, scmaster). In the latter case, it is the scmaster module that passes the database connection URL to every module connecting to the messaging system (usually at module startup).

However, when running scdetect-cc in offline mode (using the CLI option --offline), and the database connection URL is specified in scmaster.cfg, scdetect-cc does not connect to the messaging system and thus, the database connection URL never reaches scdetect-cc. For this purpose scdetect-cc provides the standard SeisComP CLI options:

  • -d|--database URL

  • --inventory-db URI

  • --config-db URI

The non-standard --event-db URI option allows reading event parameter related data from either a file or a database specified by URI (Note that the --event-db URI CLI option overrides the -d|--database URL CLI option.). With that, inventory metadata, configuration data and EventParameters might be read from plain files, making the database connection fully optional. E.g.

$ ls -1
$ scdetect-cc \
  --templates-json templates.json \
  --inventory-db file://$(realpath inventory.scml) \
  --config-db file://$(realpath config.scml) \
  --event-db file://$(realpath catalog.scml) \
  -I file://$(realpath data.mseed) \
  --offline \

In the example above even the waveform data is read from a file (i.e. data.mseed). Furthermore, the resulting detections are dumped SCML formatted to the detections.scml file.

For calculating amplitudes scdetect-cc makes use of SeisComP’s bindings configuration concept (see also calculating amplitudes). In order to inject bindings configuration the standard SeisComP --config-db URI CLI flag may be used (as an alternative to -d|--database URL).

Waveform data and RecordStream configuration

SeisComP applications access waveform data through the RecordStream interface. It is usually configured in global.cfg , where the user is able to define the backend services in order to access either real-time and/or historical waveform data. A technical documentation including exemplary RecordStream configurations can be found here.

Alternatively, the RecordStream can be defined making use of scdetect-cc‘ s -I [ --record-url ] URI CLI flag (Note that this is the standard CLI flag used for all SeisComP modules implementing SeisComP’s StreamApplication interface.).

In general, with regard to waveform data scdetect-cc implements the following approach:

  1. Initialization: Download template waveform data from the archive RecordStream specified. Cache the raw waveform data ( see Caching waveform data) and filter the template waveforms according to the configuration.

  2. Processing: Start processing the waveform data from either the real-time or the archive RecordStream configured.


scdetect-cc may be used to process archived waveform data in the so-called playback mode. A good starting point is the SeisComP tutorial on playbacks .

Here, some additional important notes (which may repeat parts of the SeisComP tutorial on playbacks):

  • scdetect-cc‘s playback mode is enabled with the --playback CLI flag.

  • The maximum record latency (configurable by means of the "maximumLatency" detector configuration parameter) is not validated if scdetect-cc is run in playback mode.

  • When reading data from a local archive, make sure the records are sorted by end time. Sorting miniSEED records is easily done using scmssort.

Caching waveform data

Unless the RecordStream points to a local disk storage, downloading waveforms might require a lot of time. For this reason scdetect-cc stores raw template waveform data on disk after downloading them. The cache is located under ${SEISCOMP_ROOT}/var/cache/scdetect/cc. If omitting cached waveform data is desired, make use of scdetect-cc‘s --templates-reload CLI flag.

In order to remove cached waveform data, simply invoke

rm -rvf ${SEISCOMP_ROOT}/var/cache/scdetect/cc

Prepare template waveform data

Although, SeisComP allows configuring a combined RecordStream , sometimes it might be useful to fetch template waveform data from a different RecordStream than the RecordStream providing the data being processed. For this purpose, scdetect-cc provides the --templates-prepare CLI flag. With that, an exemplary processing workflow might look like:

$ scdetect-cc \
  --templates-json path/to/templates.json \
  --inventory-db file:///absolute/path/to/inventory.scml \
  --event-db file:///absolute/path/to/catalog.scml \
  --record-url fdsnws:// \
  --offline \

I.e. template waveform data is downloaded from the FDSNWS RecordStream specified by fdsnws:// After initialization the modules exits and returns.

Next, run the module for processing, but now use the previously cached template waveform data when loading template waveforms, e.g.

$ scdetect-cc \
  --templates-json path/to/templates.json \
  --inventory-db file:///absolute/path/to/inventory.scml \
  --event-db file:///absolute/path/to/catalog.scml \
  --record-url "slink://localhost:18000?timeout=60&retries=5" \
  --offline \