Template family configuration

The template family configuration defines a group of templates which are usually generated by a cluster analysis approach. The members of a template family define which reference magnitudes are part of a regression for a certain group of templates.

The template family configuration must be provided as a JSON configuration file which includes a JSON array of template family configuration objects. An exemplary template family configuration file containing the definition for a single template family may look like:

    "id": "e7bc36fc-95e4-45de-a33d-6dcef43ca809",
    "references": [
        "detectorId": "detector-01",
        "streams": [
            "templateWaveformId": "NET.STA00.LOC.HHZ",
            "upperLimit": 2
        "detectorId": "detector-02",
        "lowerLimit": 0.5,
        "upperLimit": 2.5,
        "streams": [
            "templateWaveformId": "NET.STA01.LOC.HHZ"
            "templateWaveformId": "NET.STA02.LOC.BHE",
            "upperLimit": 2.3
        "originId": "originPublicId",
        "streams": [
            "templatePhase": "Pg",
            "templateWaveformId": "NET.STA01.LOC.HHZ",
            "templateWaveformStart": -2,
            "templateWaveformEnd": 2

A template family configuration object may have the following attributes:

  • "id": The optional template family identifier. Currently, this identifier has no special meaning except of the fact that it is used in log messages. If no value is specified a unique identifier is created automatically.

  • "references": Required. A JSON array of template family members configuration objects. Members may reference detectors (defined by the template configuration) or third-party origins (i.e. origins which are not used for detections but contribute to the amplitude-magnitude regression).

Detector reference configuration

The so-called detector reference members reference detector configurations from the template configuration. The reference is established by means of the "detectorId" attribute. Detector reference members imply that

  • reference magnitudes are added to the template family. That is, based both on the origin identifier ("originId") and the sensor locations (defined by corresponding streams ("streams")).

  • for the sensor locations referenced new magnitudes will be computed in case of detections issued by the corresponding detector.

Detector reference configuration objects allow the following attributes to be specified:

  • "detectorId": Required. Detector identifier used for establishing a reference to a detector configuration from the template configuration.

  • "streams": Required. A JSON array of so-called sensor location configuration objects. Again, in the context of a detector reference, a sensor location configuration object defines the attributes:

    • "templateWaveformId": Required. The template waveform identifier regarding a detector configuration stream configuration. Required, in order to fully establish the relation detector - (template) origin - sensor location.

      Usually, this refers to a FDSN Source Identifier . Note that the part relevant for specifying a sensor location is taken into account, only.

    • "lowerLimit": The optional lower limit for magnitudes estimated. Magnitudes smaller than the limit specified won’t be issued.

    • "upperLimit": The optional upper limit for magnitudes estimated. Magnitudes greater than the limit specified won’t be issued.

Detector reference configuration defaults

The following sensor location configuration defaults may be defined within the scope of a detector reference configuration:

  • "lowerLimit"

  • "upperLimit"

That is, if not explicitly overridden within sensor location configurations the corresponding fallback values will be used, instead.

Third-party reference configuration

The so-called third-party reference members reference origins which are not used for detection, but they contribute to the amplitude-magnitude regression. A third-party reference configuration object allows the following attributes to be defined:

  • "originId": Required. The origin identifier used to establish a reference to an origin in the catalog. Usually, the origin identifier corresponds to a seismic metadata resource identifier (smi).

  • "streams": Required. A JSON array of sensor location configuration objects (now, in the context of a third-party reference configuration). In the context of a third-party reference configuration a sensor location configuration allows the following attributes to be specified:

    • "templateWaveformId": Required. The template waveform identifier regarding a (template) origin. Required, in order to fully establish the relation origin - sensor location.

      Usually, this refers to a FDSN Source Identifier . Note that the part relevant for specifying a sensor location taken is into account, only.

    • "templatePhase": Required. A string defining the template phase code used for amplitude calculation. It is the phase code which actually defines the reference time used for waveform extraction.

    • "templateWaveformStart": The template waveform start in seconds with regard to the reference time. A negative value refers to a waveform start before the reference time, while a positive value means after the reference time.

    • "templateWaveformEnd": The waveform end in seconds with regard to the reference time. A negative value refers to a waveform start before the reference time, while a positive value means after the reference time.